
So why exactly is prospecting such a long, menial and repetitive process?

So why exactly is prospecting  such a long, menial and repetitive process?

You probably know very well by now, that a typical prospecting day involves a ton of research, making endless cold calls, sending out emails, and just hoping, praying, someone answers but not only answers, is also receptive to your pitch. You might even chase down bad leads, wasting even more precious time. In short, it’s no wonder many salespeople find prospecting frustrating!

That’s where Prospectory AI can help.  Our new tool uses artificial intelligence to automate the entire prospecting process so that all you have to do is check your calendar and attend the meetings.

Propsectory AI scours the web as well as its existing database of millions of businesses, identifying potential customers based on your ICP. It then sifts through the leads, finding  what we refer to as your ICP’s digital twin, that is, one that perfectly matches your ideal customer profile. It also validates contact information, making sure you’re reaching out to the real decision-makers and not ruining your reputation with ESPs’ spam filters.  No more wrong numbers or endless voicemail messages or having to break through the gatekeeper to get to your prospect. As well, it gives you key insights into their needs and operational challenges to arm you for those conversations and meetings.

You’ll get all that extra time back to focus on closing deals instead of chasing them.

Propsectory AI takes the busywork and uncertainty out of prospecting, replacing it with qualified leads and a calendar full of appointments.   Say goodbye to prospects telling you “no thanks” and welcome saved time and calendars full of eager prospects into your sales stack.


Reform your sales process