Multi-Channel Outreach

Maximize Your Reach with Multi-Channel Outreach

Coordinate Campaigns Across Email, Phone, SMS, and LinkedIn


If your outreach is based on single-channel communication, your chances of success decrease. Think about it, do you talk to your friends only on one medium? Of course not. So if you are only doing outreach on one channel, they’re going to know you’re just trying to sell to them.

Our Multi-Channel Outreach feature lets you send campaigns via email, phone calls, SMS, and LinkedIn, so your messages have a more natural feel and increase their chances of getting through. Plus, our AI understands which channels work best for each prospect and optimizes your outreach strategy accordingly.

Value Proposition

With Prospectory’s Multi-Channel Outreach feature, you connect with prospects through their various preferred channels. By integrating email, phone calls, SMS, and LinkedIn into a cohesive strategy, you will increase prospect engagement and the chance of conversion.

How It Works


Coordinate campaigns across multiple channels, including email, phone calls, SMS, and LinkedIn.


Reach prospects wherever they are most responsive, ensuring your message is seen and heard.


AI analyzes prospect behavior to determine the most effective communication channels.


Maximize engagement by using the channels that each prospect prefers.


Send personalized emails as part of your campaign.


Craft targeted messages that resonate with prospects and drive action.


Schedule and track phone calls within your outreach campaigns.


Personalize your approach with direct conversations and real-time objection handling, enhancing relationship building.


Integrate SMS messaging into your outreach strategy.


Reach prospects with timely, concise messages that encourage quick responses.

Key Benefits

Increased Engagement

Utilize multiple channels to reach prospects, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

Personalized Outreach

Tailor your messaging and approach based on the preferred channels of each prospect.

Efficient Campaign Management

Benefit: Manage all your outreach efforts from a single platform, streamlining your processes and saving time.

Data-Driven Decisions

Use AI insights to inform your outreach strategy, ensuring you focus on the most effective channels.

Real-time Objection Handling

Prospectory’s AI is trained to handle objections in real-time, keeping conversations going, leading to more sales instead of the dreaded “Sure, send me a proposal”.

Technical Specifications


Uses machine learning to analyze prospect data and determine the best communication channels.


Ensures your outreach efforts are data-driven and effective.


Integrates with your existing CRM and communication tools.


Provides a unified platform for all your outreach activities allowing all your platforms to communicate with each other.


Intuitive interface for managing multi-channel campaigns


Simplifies campaign setup, execution, and monitoring.


Reform your sales process