Company Intelligence

Gain Unmatched Insights with Our Company Intelligence Feature

Make Informed Decisions with Comprehensive Analytics and AI-Powered Insights


If you don’t have a comprehensive understanding of your prospects, you won’t be able to develop effective outreach strategies and close more deals, pretty cut and dry. Our Company Intelligence feature utilizes advanced AI to review hundreds of data points, providing you with detailed information and analytics about potential clients. Discover things like their technology stack, market position, and propensity to buy, all from our single platform.

What does Prospectory’s Company Intelligence Feature Do?

Our Company Intelligence feature involves gathering and analyzing extensive data about your prospects in order to gain insights into their operations, strategies, and market positioning. This process utilizes our proprietary AI model and algorithms to review multiple data points such as financial health, technology stack, market trends, competitive landscape, and even DNS records. The aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of your potential clients and competitors to better reach out and pitch them. By leveraging company intelligence, you will uncover valuable information about their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, enabling you to tailor your approaches effectively.

How Do You Benefit From Company Intelligence?

By having detailed insights into your potential clients, your outreach strategies will be custom to their issues and pain-points. Understanding their technology stack and market position allows you to customize your offerings, so they have pinpoint messaging and show up at just the right time. Think about it, if you’re in the market for a new car, have three kids and do carpool to baseball practice, are you going to respond positively to outreach from someone selling cars, or from someone selling electric SUVs with an extra row in the back? Additionally, our company intelligence identifies trends and anticipates market shifts, providing you a competitive edge. Overall, it saves time and resources by streamlining the decision-making process and ensuring your efforts are directed towards the most promising opportunities, because why waste your precious sales time on someone that either won’t convert or won’t be a good customer?

Value Proposition:

Our Company Intelligence feature lets you dive deep into your prospect data that matters. With AI-driven analytics and an intuitive generative chat UI, you gain actionable insights to make informed decisions that drive your business forward.

How It Works


AI reviews hundreds of data points.


Access a wealth of information, from financial health to market trends, giving you a complete picture of your prospects so you know how best to approach them.


Detailed reports on prospects’ technology usage.


Understand the tools and platforms your prospects rely on, enabling you to tailor your approach and offerings.


Evaluate the market position of potential clients.


Identify leaders, challengers, and niche players to better strategize your engagement with them.


AI predicts the likelihood of prospects making a purchase.


Focus your efforts on leads that are further down the decision making funnel, increasing your chances of closing them.


Query individual or multiple prospects for detailed insights.


Get instant answers and deep dive into specific areas of interest for a better understanding of your prospects’ business needs.

Key Benefits

In-Depth Understanding

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your prospects, helping you craft more effective sales and marketing strategies.

Enhanced Targeting

Identify and prioritize high-potential leads, improving your targeting and outreach efforts.

Strategic Insights

Use detailed analytics to inform your business strategies and decision-making processes.

Time Efficiency

Save time with AI-driven insights and easy-to-access information, allowing you to focus on activities that require human judgment.

Technical Specifications


Utilizes state-of-the-art AI algorithms to analyze huge amounts of data.


Ensures accuracy and relevancy in the insights provided.


Robust security protocols to protect sensitive data


Maintains confidentiality and compliance with industry standards.


Intuitive and interactive chat interface for querying data.


Simplifies the process of obtaining specific insights quickly.


Reform your sales process